File information
The files on this page are related to the discovery that the periodicity of the atomic elements is octahedral.
Shows how 32-strands can form sheets in which the strands are anti-parallel and the link between adjacent strands is provided by a single peptide main chain unit. The planes of the sheets are parallel to the faces of a cube.
Shows how identical chains consisting of two strands joined by a single residue can form two pleated sheets on parallel planes. The strands are parallel.
Slideshow presentation of the discovery through modeling that the periodicity of the Atomic Elements is octahedral. Select "Full screen view" in the "Window" menu of Adobe Acrobat Reader and use the down or right arrow to move through the slides. Use "esc" to return to the normal view.
shows the relationships between concentric regular polyhedral assemblies of triangular panels of graphite CFUs and diamond CFUs. Icosahedral assemblies of graphite CFUs which correspond to the fullerenes C60, C240, C540, C960, and C1500 are shown in a concentric relationship known as a "Bucky onion".
Shows how twenty crystal-forming units (CFUs) of graphite, each consisting of three C-atoms, can act as the triangular panels of a regular icosahedral assembly. The file also shows how an O-atom can join with any of the sixty C-atoms of the assembly.
Shows how a strand of C-atoms can join with a C-atom of one of the twenty graphite CFUs of an icosahedral assembly. This document shows, by extension, how a C60-fullerene can join with an atom of a water molecule, a lipid, a lone peptide, or a protein.
Shows how four graphite CFUs of three C-atoms each can join in the same manner as in a graphite crystal to form a triangular panel. Twenty panels can join to form a regular icosahedral assembly.
The chapter Carbon excerpted from Octahedron1stEd.pdf.
Shows how eight C-atoms can join in a structural group while occupying the vertexes of a cube. The C-atoms are shown to be capable of cleftly joining with the N-atom of an NO2-group.
Shows how C-atoms can assemble as three of the Platonic solids--tetrahedron, octahedron, icosahedron. Each of the faces of the polyhedra is defined by a carbon atom acting as a regular triangular panel.
Shows the relationship between the carbon atom panel which defines the regular polyhedral assembly and its dual. The orthodox chemist views the atom as a ball and places it at the vertex of the dual. For the chemist, the octahedral assembly becomes a cube and the icosahedron becomes a pentagonal dodecahedron. 24Nov2003
Shows how carbon strands acting as girders form framework octahedra and framework cuboctahedra. 24Feb2004
Shows the principal cellular atoms in epn detail. Each of these atoms is thought to be an ion by those who are unfamiliar with the forms and structures of the atomic elements which follow from the discovery that their periodicity is octahedral. The file shows two ways in which a Na-atom can join with an H2O-group to form a Ca-atom homomorph. It also shows how an H2-group can join with either a Na-atom, a K-atom, or a Cl-atom. 7Sep2004
The chapter CELL excerpted from Icosahedron1stEd.pdf.
The chapter CFU excerpted from Icosahedron1stEd.pdf.
provides a means of relating the xyz-location of each of the He-octas of an icosahedral assembly of twenty identical panels to the same coordinate system as the unrotated panel.
Firstly, the document relates the numerical expression of the xyz-location of each of the He-octas of each of the atoms that comprise each of the CFUs of any triangular panel to the tetrahedral centroid of the CFU that is common to each and every panel.
Secondly, it relates the coordinates of each of the He-octas of a given panel to the centroid of an icosahedral assembly by the addition of offsets.
Thirdly, it relates the coordinates of each vertex of each He-octa to the icosahedral centroid.
Fourthly, it provides the angles needed to rotate the panel about the centroid so that it occupies each of the twenty orientations of a structurally coherent icosahedral assembly. It does this so that the centroid of each vertex of each of the He-octas of each of the C-atoms of each of the CFUs of each of the twenty rotated panels can be expressed as an xyz-location relative to the icosahedral centroid as origin while maintaining the same coordinate system as the unrotated panel. Each coordinate is expressed as a multiple of the edge length of the He-octa.
Firstly, the document relates the numerical expression of the xyz-location of each of the He-octas of each of the atoms that comprise each of the CFUs of any triangular panel to the tetrahedral centroid of the CFU that is common to each and every panel.
Secondly, it relates the coordinates of each of the He-octas of a given panel to the centroid of an icosahedral assembly by the addition of offsets.
Thirdly, it relates the coordinates of each vertex of each He-octa to the icosahedral centroid.
Fourthly, it provides the angles needed to rotate the panel about the centroid so that it occupies each of the twenty orientations of a structurally coherent icosahedral assembly. It does this so that the centroid of each vertex of each of the He-octas of each of the C-atoms of each of the CFUs of each of the twenty rotated panels can be expressed as an xyz-location relative to the icosahedral centroid as origin while maintaining the same coordinate system as the unrotated panel. Each coordinate is expressed as a multiple of the edge length of the He-octa.
The clathrin heavy chain repeat is composed of the main chain units of its peptides joined as 32-chain linked alpha helixes. The four sections of this paper show how the legs are formed and how they are arranged within the triskelion and how the triskelions are oriented in the cage-like assemblies they form.
The file shows monosaccharides consisting of three CO-groups linked by their C-atoms. The C-atoms constitute a triplet. One triplet is linearly symmetric and its assemblies are candidates for dihydroxyacetone. A second triplet is asymmetrical and has the conformation of the C-atoms of D-alanine. Its assemblies are candidates for L-glyceraldehyde. The third triplet is asymmetrical and mirrors the other asymmetrical triplet. It has the conformation of the C-atoms of L-alanine. Its assemblies are candidates for D-glyceraldehyde. There are 80 assemblies with symmetrical triplets and 120 assemblies for each of the asymmetrical triplets. The file has 66 pages.
This file will serve as the reference for assemblies composed of CO-groups. It shows the four ways in which a C-atom and an O-atom can cleftly join to form a CO-group. Each group has twenty-four orientations in a given octahedral view. These are shown in four separate figures. The ninety-six orentations of the CO-groups are also shown in arrangements in accord with the orientations of their C-atoms. Each CO-group has been given a unique code which describes the orintations of its C-atom and O-atom. Its immediate use will be in the assembly of monosaccharides.
Shows the assembly of the tri-helical strand of collagen. Shows how the strands are oriented in adjoining layers of tadpole skin and chick cornea. Shows how sidechain joins are made between strands of adjoining layers.
Two L-triplets can join in a compact assembly in which an end C-atom of each is cleftly joined to the same O-atom. The resulting assembly is rotationally symmetrical. A second O-atom can cleftly join to the remaining cleft of either of the same two C-atoms to produce a join that is characteristic of a lactone ring.
The chapter CRYSTAL excerpted from Octahedron1stEd.pdf.
Shows how each of the four C-atom quintuplets derived from the L-triplet forms edgially axised strands with H2PO4-groups. The inter-strand relationship of the H2PO4-groups is identical in each of the strands formed by the four quintuplets. Each of the quintuplets is a candidate for the backbone of D-ribose. Each of the strands is a candidate for the sugar-phosphate backbone of RNA and DNA.
The chapter CYCLIC excerpted from Octahedron1stEd.pdf.
Shows that cyclohexamantane can be formed by the joining of two identical panels of diamond CFUs each of which is a vertexially truncated 4-triangle. The same arrangement occurs in decamantane. 6Nov2004
shows that panels formed by graphite CFUs are twice as thick as panels formed by single C-atoms whose planes are parallel to the plane of the panel. It shows that deuterium atoms can form the same type of assemblies as C-atoms. The corresponding diameters of the deuterium atom are one half those of the C-atom and its planar assemblies are either one-half or one-fourth that of graphene.
Shows additional di-L-triplets which were overlooked when LTriplets.pdf was prepared. These result from joining the red C-atom of a triplet in the ROB-1 orientation with the C-atom in the same position of a di-L-triplet in a different orientation. Three figures show how H2O-groups can join to each of the C-atoms of three of the di-L-triplets. There are 1600 ways in which this can be done for one of the di-L-triplets. For a sym-L-di-triplet there are no more than 640 ways.
shows that nanostructures made of diamond CFUs can be assembed from the same panels which produce the fullerenes. The file shows the assembly of adamantane, diamantane, tetramantane, and decamantane in He-octa detail.
shows the triangular panels which produce the fullerenes having 80,320,720,1280,2000, and 2880 C-atoms.
shows ways in which identical rods can assemble as hexagonal rings in which the axis of each rod is perpendicular to the axis of each of the other rods. The join between rods is effected by the rings alone; the 2-triangles do not participate in the inter-rod joins. It is sufficient to show each of the assemblies using just one plane of rings, all such planes being identical. The rings, in turn, can form a triangular assembly. Identical triangular assemblies can join in a larger triangular assembly. This triangular progression can be extended indefinitely.
looks at the relationship between diamond CFUs within facial panels, within helical assemblies, and between adjoining panels.
shows how rings of diamond CFUs can join to form pentagonal and decagonal cylindrical assemblies. An icosahedral assembly of five diamond CFUs can join with an identical assembly in an obverse orientation to produce a stable assembly. Additional rings can extend the assembly axially. An icosahedral assembly of five diamond CFUs can be linked to a decagonal ring of hinged diamond CFUs to produce a stable assembly which can be axially extended by additional decagonal rings. An icosahedral ring of five diamond CFUs and be linked to a hinged ring of ten diamond CFUs by five addional diamond CFUs to produce a stable assembly which can be axially extended by additonal hinged rings. Additional radial expansions are possible if the rings can be linked. The expansion would continue with a 20-ring, a 40-ring, and so on.
A reference to a ring of five hinged octahedral panels, an impossibility, was removed. Icosahedral ring of five panels was substituted.
A reference to a ring of five hinged octahedral panels, an impossibility, was removed. Icosahedral ring of five panels was substituted.
A brief sketch of the discovery and its implications
The chapter DNA excerpted from Octahedron1stEd.pdf
Shows how the spacial arrangement of galactic superclusters correlates with the arrangement of the magnetically polar edges of the octahedron which joins edge to edge with identical octahedra to produce the atomic elements.
Shows how eight C-atoms can assemble structurally at the vertexes of a cube. The C-atoms can join cleftly with the N-atoms of NO2-groups.
[Caption modified 3Aug2004]
[Caption modified 3Aug2004]
Shows the possible cleft-to-cleft joins between an Fe-atom and an S-atom.
Shows how S-shaped sheet forming chains can have multilength 32-strands between its beta180-strands. A fibroin-like chain which has two spacings between the sheet planes it forms is shown in which the beta180-strands are composed of residues having the sequence gly-ala-gly-ala-gly-ser.
Immunoglobulin: molecular and crystalline structures. This chapter has been excerpted from Octahedron1stEd.pdf.
Shows which of the D-glucose candidates can make the 1,4- and 1,6-linkages characteristic of glycogen. Each was tested to see if could make the linkage C-atom to C-atom or C-atom to O-atom to C-atom. Three could join only C-C and four could join only C-O-C. Four could make the two joins in either of the two ways. Each of the successful di-triplets are shown in 1,4- and 1,6-linkages. Some are shown in 1,4- and 1,6-strands. The geometry of the joins is shown vectorially for each of the successful triplets.
Shows the second element of each row of the Periodic Table and the arrangements of the He-octas which combine to form them. This column of elements has been extended to Element 170.
Shows the triangular panels which produce the fullerenes having 60, 240, 540, 960, and 1500 C-atoms. Additional panels are shown which are derived by the vertexial truncation of the triangular panels.
Shows how graphite CFUs form fivefold tubular assemblies. The arrangement is similar to that used by diamond CFUs. But, a graphite CFU does not have the fourfold symmetry of the diamond CFU and the axial joining between the CFUs of adjoining circumferential rings is of two types, one edge and two edge. The two types of join also differ in their radial distance from the tubular axis.
Shows how identical regular octahedra can join to form a great rhombicuboctahedron. Shows similarities between the great and two simple rhombicuboctahedral assemblies. Identical great assemblies can join to form a cubic assembly which would be quite porous if it could be realized atomically.
The chapter HEME excerpted from Octahedron1stEd.pdf
Shows how identical hexagonal face icosidodecahedra can join hexagonal face to hexagonal face to form a quadrilateral face hexacontahedron. This assembly could be effected by C20-fullerenes.
Shows how hexagonal face icosidodecahedra can join hexagonal face to hexagonal face to produce five differently oriented cubes with a common centroid. It follows that thirty square prisms can radiate from the same centroid–one for each of the six faces of each of the five cubes.
The HIV capsid is an icosahedral assembly of twenty identical triangular panels of thirty-six 1-octa triplets each. Each panel has three symmetrically sited knobs. Each knob is a tetrahedral assembly of 2-octas. A 2-octa of the knob joins with three triplets of the panel so that a vertexial radius of the tetrahedral assembly is normal to the plane of the panel.
An 80 page file showing how identical hexagonal face icosidodecahedra can join pentagonal facially to form icosahedral, pentagonal dodecahedral, triacontahedral, and elongated triacontahedral assemblies.
Shows how an octahedral assembly consisting of rings connected by hinged legs acts as a contractile sheath. When fitted with a tube, the assembly mimics the DNA/RNA injector of the bacteriophage.
The chapter INTERCHAIN JOINS excerpted from Octahedron1stEd.pdf
The chapter JOIN excerpted from Octahedron1stEd.pdf.
Two L-triplets can join in a compact assembly in which an end C-atom of each is cleftly joined to the same O-atom. The resulting assembly is rotationally symmetrical. A second O-atom can cleftly join to the remaining cleft of either of the same two C-atoms to produce a join that is characteristic of a lactone ring.
The chapter LIGHT excerpted from Octahedron1stEd.pdf.
Shows thirteen ways in which one L-triplet can join with an identical L-triplet to form a di-L-triplet. Seven of the di-L-triplets can accommodate an H2O-group on each of its C-atoms. The backbone of D-glucose is among them.
The chapter MATH excerpted from Octahedron1stEd.pdf.
The chapter MINERAL excerpted from Octahedron1stEd.pdf.
The chapter MOMENTUM excerpted from Octahedron1stEd.pdf.
Shows how the mechanism can be incorporated in crystalline octahedral assemblies such as the cellular enclosure. It shows how hinged flaps can act as shutoff valves. Pairs of hinged angular structures acting as a pump can capture particles on one side of an aperture and convey them to the other. Mechanism structures can form square planar arrays.
Octahedral periodicity.pdf
Slideshow depicting the Atomic Elements and how they grow by the addition of deuterium atoms which are octahedral triplets. The triplets in pairing up form a compound octahedron of edge length two which is a He-atom. The elements with even atomic numbers are composed solely of He-atoms; those with odd atomic numbers have one unpaired triplet. Each element is as near to being a regular octahedral assembly of He-atoms as is possible. The elements He Mg Sr and Ra are regular octahedral assemblies of He-atom edge length 1, 2, 3, and 4; and their atomic numbers 2, 12, 38, and 88 are the beginning of an octahedral series which is two times the number of He-atoms each contains–1, 6, 19, 44....
A book of 500 pages which describes :
Atoms and how they join
Crystal forms and quasicrystalline forms
Interpenetrant mineral twins of staurolite, phillipsite and others
Amino acids and the protein substructures
Viral capsids
Lipids and the structures of bubbles and cell walls
Pinhole diffraction of particulate light
Geometry of realizable planes
Atoms and how they join
Crystal forms and quasicrystalline forms
Interpenetrant mineral twins of staurolite, phillipsite and others
Amino acids and the protein substructures
Viral capsids
Lipids and the structures of bubbles and cell walls
Pinhole diffraction of particulate light
Geometry of realizable planes
Shows the principal views of the octahedron in various orientations and expresses mathematically their exact dimensions. The chapter OCTAHEDRON excerpted from Octahedron1stEd.pdf.
Shows how diamond CFUs make regular tetrahedral and octahedral assemblies. A vertexially truncated tetrahedral assembly is shown which matches a discovered pentamantane.
The atomic elements arranged in periodic order.
Corrected error in caption.
Corrected Atomic Symbol of Element 80 from Cd to Hg
Corrected error in caption.
Corrected Atomic Symbol of Element 80 from Cd to Hg
The Periodic Table arranged to print as six 8-1/2 x 11 pages to be mounted side by side on a backing.
The Periodic Table arranged so as to be printed as a continuous scroll.
The Periodic Table arranged so as to be printed as a 40-inch scroll.
Shows that the observed widening of the sheath, the change in shape of the baseplate, and the dome-like depression in the bottom of the baseplate are consistent with an octahedral assembly.
Shows two ways in which the sixfold sheath of the bacteriophage T4 could join with its fivefold head.
Digital photographs showing "pinhole" diffraction patterns produced by multiple reflections within brass tubes.
The chapter PLASTIC excerpted from Octahedron1stEd.pdf.
The chapter POLAR excerpted from Octahedron1stEd.pdf.
Shows how four pyrroles form the monomer of polypyrrole and how an aspartate can join to the monomer. Atoms are shown in epn-detail.
Shows how C-atom sidechain of alanine can join to C-atom of porphyrin rim. Two such joins are possible with L-ala and L-porphyrin. Only one such join is possible with L-ala and D-porphyrin.
Shows a way in which six porphyrin groups can structurally assemble so that each defines a face of a cube while having its hemi-octahedral void open to the interior of the cube. The resulting structure has an equilateral triangular opening parallel to each of the faces of a regular octahedron. The file has 16 pages including 14 full page figures.
Shows that the core of the polypropylene nucleating agent 1,3,5-benzenetrisamide can be formed by three C-atom triplets joined so that each contributes two C-atoms of a C6-ring. Each triplet can have an NH2O-group attached before joining and this can accommodate a He-octa of an additional group. The triplets could be either D- or L- types. The triplet is identical to those that form the triose backbones and the propylene monomer.
Three excerpts from Octahedron1stEd.pdf--PROTEIN which shows the forms of the crystals of cytochrome and neuraminidase, AMINO which shows the amino acids, and PROTEIN CHAIN which shows how main chain units join to form the protein substructures.
The file seeks to define the plausible conformations of the peptides for the purpose of creating a protein folding test.
Porphyrin, phthalocyanine, and their relatives. Extends the material provided in the Heme chapter of Octahedron1stEd.pdf. Shows the formation of the rings which pair to provide the subunits for the atom holding assemblies. Shows how the join between rings confers handedness to the assemblies. Shows how the atom holding cavity is hemi-octahedral and that the cavity of one assembly is identical to that of each of the other assemblies. Shows how one porphyrin can join to another if they are of opposite hand and inverted relative to one another. Shows how the paired ring subunits can form chains if they are of the same hand.
The chapter QUASICRYSTAL excerpted from Octahedron1stEd.pdf
--shows how crystalline assemblies of atoms can join quasicrystallinely in an octahedral assembly. Each assembly can join with identical assemblies in the same manner as zeolites and ZMOFs. This fact suggests that zeolites are also quasicrystallinely octahedral. The file shows assemblies whose panels are C6-rings, C36-rings, 6SiO2-rings, 6CaC-rings, 6CaC3-rings, six C-linked InN-groups, and six C3-linked InN-groups.
Shows how the polar attraction between the radiating CFUs or photons slows the photon over the time of its travel. This results in a distance related loss of momentum which has been observed as the red shift called the Hubble effect.
The file relates to rhombic dodecahedral proteins and the use of a formation in which three antiparallel chains can form a junction of three antiparallel pleated sheets.
RhodopsinCry.pdf and Rhdopsin.pdf combined in a single file.
Shows the orientation of the octahedron of the atoms of the bovine rhodopsin p22121 crystal in relation to a projection density map.
Shows how the backbone of D-ribulose is formed by C-atom additions to a symmetrical C-atom triplet. A di-L-triplet is formed from the D-ribulose backbone by a C-atom from a CO2-group. The resulting assembly is then cloven into a pair of L-triplets, each a backbone of a D-glyceraldehyde. The cleavage of the backbone is also shown with H2PO4-groups.
The pairing of elements in both elemental and compound semiconductors are identical in their ability to join so that their joining He-octas and triplets are arranged as a square layer of four He-octas.
The file SemiConCry.pdf shows each such pairing in both a vertexial view and a facial view and shows
four identical pairs joined in a crystalline layer. The 184 page file contains 182 full page figures.
N.B. The 1-1/2 plus 2-1/2 element-pairings as shown are erroneous.
The file SemiConCry.pdf shows each such pairing in both a vertexial view and a facial view and shows
four identical pairs joined in a crystalline layer. The 184 page file contains 182 full page figures.
N.B. The 1-1/2 plus 2-1/2 element-pairings as shown are erroneous.
Shows seventeen different types of semiconductor crystals that result from the two atom CFUs shown in Semiconcry.pdf. Each type is shown in two figures. One figure includes three depictions–a lone CFU in He-octa detail, four CFUs showing the intralayer joins, five CFUs showing the interlayer joins. The other figure shows five CFUs in three adjoining layers viewed in an edgial projection that is parallel to the layers. The 38 page file contains 34 full page figures and 1 table.
Shows how strands of a pleated sheet can be joined by short lengths of main chain units to form a single chain. The strand links bridge intervening strands.
Shows how S-shaped chains can produce any number of pleated sheets on parallel planes, either parallel or anti-parallel. The structural scheme is that of fibroin.
24Dec2003--Revision--Figures on pages 4 & 5 had coloration errors which have been corrected.
24Dec2003--Revision--Figures on pages 4 & 5 had coloration errors which have been corrected.
Three Si-atoms can join in either of two types of triplets. Twenty of one type of triplet forms a fully closed regular icosahedral volume. Twenty of the other type of triplet forms an open regular icosahedral cage. The file Si3Icosa.pdf shows how each of the Si-triplets relates to the C-atom triplet of the C60-fullerene. A facial view of the assembly of each of the two Si60-icosahedra is shown in three figures.
The chapter SILICON is excerpted from Octahedron1stEd.pdf
The chapter STAR is excerpted from Octahedron1stEd.pdf
Shows how the C-atom to C-atom joins provide the defining conformations of the monosaccharides. The asymmetric triplets which are the backbones of the glyceraldehydes are extended by the addition of C-atoms to their termini to produce the tetrose backbones, the quadruplets are extended to produce the pentose backbones, and these are extended to produce the hexose backbones. Glucose and fructose are cleavable into two separate triplets. The triplets of glucose are identical asymmetrical triplets; fructose is cleavable into one symmetirical triplet and one asymmetrical triplet.
This material is excerpted from Octahedron1stEd.pdf. It shows the relationships between cfu as photon and cfu as thermal oscillator a a material surface. The phenomena–which are characterized as light, electricity, or heat–derive from the motions of material particles and the momentum exchanges between them.
"Fullerenes and buckyonions in the interstellar medium" by Susana Iglesias Groth
Shows 30 ways in which a symmetrical triplet can join end to end with an L-triplet to form a di-triplet which is characteristic of the D-fructose backbone. Only eight of the di-triplets can accommodate an H2O-group on each of its C-atoms. On each of four di-triplets, there are 640 different arrangements of the H2O-groups; on each of three there are 384 ways, and on one there are 576 ways. Altogether, there are 4,288 candidates for D-fructose.
Shows how graphite and diamond CFUs act as facial panels to form regular tetrahedral and octahedral assemblies. It includes tables which show the number of C-atoms in tetrahedral and octahedral assemblies of triangular panels of graphite and diamond CFUs.
The ZnO rods which form the ZnO tetrapod grow normal to the hexagonal c(0001) face of the sapphire crystal and the (111) face of the platinum crystal. Each of those faces is defined by the faces of the regular octahedron. It follows that the axes of the ZnO rods are parallel to the facial diameters of the regular octahedron. Four such rods can assemble so that the axis of each rod is perpendicular to the face of a regular tetrahedron. The ZnO-group has the form of the Sr-atom--a 3-octa. Seven ZnO-groups can form a unit which form the rods which assemble as a tetrapod.
Shows that a tetrahedrite twin consisting of two interpenetrant regular tetrahedra with a common vertex, and differing by a 60-degree rotation about a common threefold axis, is octahedrally quasicrystalline.
The chapter THERMAL excerpted from Octahedron1stEd.pdf.
Shows how triangular panels of graphite and diamond CFUs can be truncated vertexially, edgially, and centrally while remaining structurally stable and can assemble as regular polyhedra. Polyhedral assemblies with missing panels can be structurally stable, and the file shows how this affects the number of C-atoms each contains. It shows two ways in which an icosahedral assembly of seventy C-atoms could be composed of ten graphite CFUs and ten diamond CFUs. This would account for the C70 fullerene. It shows how a C-atom can be joined to each C-atom of a graphite CFU to provide the panel for the C120 fullerene. The panel for the C140 fullerene is formed by a similar modification of a diamond CFU.
It shows how small triangular panels can assemble as larger triangular panels--a triangle with twelve CFUs along an edge, a 12-triangle of 144 C-atoms, can be formed by thirty-six 2-triangles of four C-atoms each or nine 4-triangles of sixteen C-atoms each or four 6-triangles of thirty-six C-atoms each.
It shows how small triangular panels can assemble as larger triangular panels--a triangle with twelve CFUs along an edge, a 12-triangle of 144 C-atoms, can be formed by thirty-six 2-triangles of four C-atoms each or nine 4-triangles of sixteen C-atoms each or four 6-triangles of thirty-six C-atoms each.
The Man the Producer pavilion at Expo67 in Montreal used truncated tetrahedral builidings that were based on a design that utilized truncated tetrahedral "building blocks". The truncated tetrahedron is the volume allocated to the diamond CFU having four adjoining neighbors. A truncated tetrahedron can be built using four regular hexagonal panels joined edge to edge. The same hexagonal panels can be used to create structures that are linear or planar assemblies of identical truncated tetrahedra. Hexagonal assemblies of truncated tetrahedra can in turn be joined edge to edge to create a truncated tetrahedron. Unlike the edge-defined strut-based Octet truss, the TruncTet truss is face-defined and panel-based.
Shows how octahedra can form hinged rings which can join with like rings to form regular polygonal tubes. Stabilization of the hinged rings results in polysymmetrical structures. The structures can be joined to form a complex structural network.
Shows how octahedra join to form a penetrant twin of fluorite and a contact twin of spinel. The two twins require the facial joining of the octahedra which compose their atoms which makes them octahedrally quasicrystalline.
The chapter VIRUS excerpted from Octahedron1stEd.pdf
Shows how a Zn-atom and a Se-atom join to form a ZnSe-group, how identical ZnSe-groups form a crystal that has faces parallel to three mutually perpendicular planes, and how a Mn-atom joins with the ZnSe-groups which define each of those faces.
Prion joining
A slide show presentation depicting hjow glutamine residues can effect joins between proteins characteristic of prions.

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